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Hi people ^^

Today I bring you as usual, the first drawing of the month, which was the winner of the vote, starring Anne Boonchuy.

To be honest, I don't know how I came up with this idea, I came out of nowhere and I found it attractive hehe, but basically Polly, not having her legs, finds feet attractive, and Anne's feet are so exotic, to say the least. somehow they were rarely attractive to her.

Besides, I also want to do a similar scene, but instead of Polly, it's Marcy, since I implements that idea in this drawing, that Marcy usually licks Anne's feet, often enough before reaching Amphibia.

But hey, for Foot Worship lovers, I hope you like it ^^

See you soon~




Very great work she looks amazing. She getting a good licks on her feet. Loved the colour and the background is amazing. I give this 8.8 out of 10