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Hi people ^^

Here I bring you the first drawing of the month, which is the one starring Anne Boonchuy, a character from Amphibia.

As I said in the sketch, Amphibia is one of my current favorite series, I really enjoy this series, and of course, as a content creator, I have thought of several ideas with these characters, so I hope I can bring all my ideas.

This scene was born thanks to the end of the first season, in the confrontation between Anne and Sasha, only here Sasha manages to defeat Anne by tickling her feet, as Sasha is stronger and more agile than Anne, it did not cost her much to leave Anne at her mercy.

But one day Anne will get revenge on Sasha, doing the same to him.

Well, I hope you liked it ^^

See you soon~




I never watch Amphibia but this look very great and well done. I like what’s going on here. Both of the girls look amazing and well done. Her feet look so nice. Loved the colour. I give this 8.5 out of 10.


Very nice piece, love me a good tickle battle, even if one sided ;P I look forward to the eventual revenge piece