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Hey folks!  This is one of the other pictures I've redrawn and am in the process of coloring for the first time due to it being requested over the years!  Like the other picture, due to me needing to go out of town, the final colored set won't be finished until early November, but you can view the lineart and a coloring work-in-progress [Here!] 




I absolutely love these two and am always thrilled to see more of them!


I agree with the comment above. These two are great together and incredibly how. I absolutely love his facial expression in this one.

Biggest Fan

These are by far my favorite OCs of yours <3

Ben Carney

Is that 6’5” bisexual Lee Pace?


His hair! What a great head of hair!


I love these guys and that's a great action shot perspective! Awesome! Also, great nipple ring; we need more nipple rights, amirite? —signed, a guy with a nipple ring ;-)


+100 especially his expression, so well done and realistic! He's just an expressive guy. :-D

Tom 1976

Does Lee Pace identify as bi?