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Hey folks!  Apologies again for the delay on this picture.  I'm still sick, but the anxiety of not getting any work done was stressing me out too much, so I decided to get back to work anyway. 

Hope you like it!

[View the nsfw set here!] 

I'm going to be following the schedule for everything I planned to complete last month, so next will be the pinup of Captain America, then I'll start working on the second supporter streak picture, which will bring me up to my October schedule!  Thanks again for your patience and understanding <3




It turned out amazing, as always!


Momoa was always my guilty pleasure, thank you and whoever suggested him (and also, the sheer amount of variations of this pinup justifies the wait time 100% - when you get quality AND quantity, what more could you ask for?)


You never disappoint. Thank you!


You did so many variations you are too good to us. I’m sorry to hear you’re still not feeling well. And. Also. Oh lord. Captain. America. 💀 😭


Your pics have so many variations. You could easily turn them into mini games, where you select different elements you want to see and they are added to the picture) Or, maybe, just release a psd file with all the layers. Interactivity is always fun.


Holy damn. You rendered his face really, really well. Amazing work. &lt;3


I'm sorry this was such a pain to do lol, (tattoos arent fun to draw) but dang if it didn't turn out marvelously. With how you do beards, one of these days I hope we get FF14 Cid Garlond.


Amazing!!!! All these variants 😩😩😩😩❤️❤️❤️


It looks absolutely stunning !! ♥️


Beautiful as always. PS: take a chill pill 🙂


This set is amazing!


Excellent work as always and please take care of yourself. Artwork will still be there when you are better. I'm sure we all understand that and would want your health to be first. Ken


GORGEOUS work, Marccus! Probably one of my favorites you've done so far! Still, try to cut yourself a LITTLE slack. Breaks are okay!


he looks fucking incredible i'm dead


I is dead.


Wow, you really captured him, and oh that hair and the tattoos and wow, all those variations! Please take care of yourself and don't overdo it. I'm so sorry you feel stressed; please take care of yourself. Do something for you! Anyway, I'm sending you hugs and I hope you feel 100% soon. For your sake! &lt;3


I love me some Aquaman ...... yummmmmmmy


I don't mind tattoos but thank you for giving us both versions.