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Hi there

Happy new years everyone, I hope everyone had a good celebration this year.

I want to start thanking you for your continued support, I wouldn't be here without it in all honesty, so thank you!

I'm writting this because I have come to the realization I might be a tad bit depressed, I have been having this feeling of being stuck in a hole for some weeks now and I'm getting paralyzed from getting stuff done, last pic with the Quilava/King pairing was even finished before new years, but even then I was "unable" from posting it by...I guess my state of mind?, I don't know.

Doesn't help that my husband has also been having some bad days with his own depression and he kinda had an outburst and I'm not feeling too happy these days.

I'm working to get him some therapy now, so that's getting handled as much as that can be handled, on my end I just think I need to get to "do something", the moment I get something done I might just snap back to normal, at least that's my hope.

Either ways, I wanted to apologize for my lack of effort on making more stuff here, with that said I'm currently reassesing how to handle the workload. I want to come back to the comic but I also barely got to touch rewards on this comic hiatus I was doing, so I'm divided.

I think I'm going to take this month to still try to get more rewards done and then make the next 2 months for comic making, then the next 2 months after that back to rewards and so on and so forth (Maybe 1 month comic, 1 rewards?) 

What do you guys think? do you have a better suggestion that might make more sense?

Again, apologies for not handling things well...also a reminder that I'm still making the christmas thing, better late than never, even if I haven't touched it for quite a while, I think I went too ambitious and that sorta made it harder to work with, but stuff.

I'm kind of a mess, but I'm working through it.

Thank you for reading and any suggestions are welcomed.



Boy ain't that relatable~ I think attempting a change of perspective might be healthy for you. Personally thinknig that I'm not doing enough chips away at my mental and eventually gets me bummed out, and that always leads to my work output dropping substantially for a while. I tend to do better long-term when I try to keep a positive outlook, zooming out a little bit and seeing the total amount of work done recently helps my morale, even if my recent couple weeks was not the best, kinda deal. I think you're doing great work, I've think that for like the last few years! Also posting stuff and keeping that updated is a pain in the ass and I can't seem to finish my posting backlog regardless of how much I try, so I understand you hahaha! I'm unsure if you purposefuly try to keep some sort of paywall, but I found out great success in posting art first on telegram and discord, it's so easy, no tags, no descriptions, no BS, and slowly trickling that down on the big boy sites with postybirb and whatnot. Makes me feel a bit less guilty of the backlog, cuz at least the art is out there in my main circles! You could try something like that, see if it works for you!! Hopefuly you can manage the work queue tho, I understand things piling up and not being able to afford taking more work/charging next month's patreon. Don't think any of us minds a pause of the comic for a month or two while you make up your owed queue, so don't stress yourself too much about that, we love your stuff, and it's always worth the wait <3 Stay strong, and keep grinding man <3


Keep on the fight Vee. I know things can get difficult and life can be hard, but remember we are all here for you and love you very much. You're an amazing guy and if you need time to rest, then that's okay. Take care of your husband and make sure he gets the help he deserves. Send my love to the family xxx


The artistic struggle, huh? x3;; I even saw the term "Art Dread" a couple of days ago before my update. Talking about how an artist can get blocked from working from different things, like stress for one! I do try to be positive, but some months I can't avoid looking back and going "Really..? only 3-4 pics this month?", feels hoooorrible when I know I have been capable of way more. I just feel like the way to get better is to...well, work more and then I won't be able to look back at a month of low productivity =3= Thank you for the love anyways, I have had people tell me I'm doing good stuff, I just really wish it was more stuff in general! I am not keeping anything paywalled, only early access (Except for sketches/doodles, but that's me not thinking they are worth posting on other sites for being "unfinished" and as a boon to people supporting me thinking that they might like seeing that unfinished stuff, lol). Maybe it might look paywalled since I haven't been posting on any other site for the past...3 months?, sort of an accumulated thing on me wanting to update those sites with the comic hiatus when I took my week off, only to not have done it right afterwards and then let it sit and accumulate until now |3;;;;. Like I feel I can't post anything without apologizing first, haha. I gotta get onto that asap really. But indeed, posting on here is super fast and painless, I got no problem uploading here at all, if I ever don't do it is because I'm not happy with the current finished pic and am waiting to share it with a confidant to see if I didn't mess something royaly, which ends up sometimes taking days until I feel okay posting it xD;;;... Posting on FA, IB and e6 is sorta smooth when I get to it, I have a system in general, tho sometimes it still takes me like half an hour to post pics, depends on irl distractions as I'm uploading them, lol. Again thank you for the love boyo uwu, happy to hear that you have been working better through such dreads yourself. Keep up the good grind there~ <3


Thank you for the kind words u3u, I'm trying, trust me. It just feels like there is just so much stuff around going wrong that it's sometimes paralyzing. But I'll keep up fighting <3 Love for you and yours as well~ <3