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Hey there!
First of all, I want to apologize for not having been able to work on the comic pages for this month, I failed to deliver already, I'm sorry </3

I was trying to do them poll pairings fast and tackle the comic on the last 10 days before the end of the month, but things didn't work out as expected, that has brought up a lot of thoughts in me.
I think I need a break |3;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, I think a lot is bothering me and I gotta do something about it instead of proceeding as I was.

I hate to do this, I really do, but the month of November and probably December I want to work on the rewards I have been missing to finish. It's been more than half a year since last time I touched those!, there's almost no day when I don't think about it.
The reality of the situation is that while I'm working on the comic on this weird state I'm in, I am too slow to work on it and therefore I end up with no time for rewards, so I'm hoping that taking out the pressure of the missing work will let me concentrate more on the comic and anything else afterwards. Even doing poll pairings kinda hurt me when I have the missing stuff to do x3;;;.
So the comic will be paused during these 2 months, but so it doesn't feel too bad, I want to make in its abscense some stickers you guys can use on Discord or Telegram. Not exactly sure the theme I'll use, but these are much quicker and possible to make instead of a comic. I also want to use the chance to make something fun for christmas uwu, kinda how last year I made that "postcard", but I want to do something sexier.

Now I also am gonna take a week in a row free to rest without anything to do. I know on this end you probably won't notice a difference with how slow I have been at art these days x3;;;, but I want to make clear that I'm gonna take a break finally, lol, it kinda works out in a way since my birthday is in november xD.
Honestly speaking I have been a little stubborn about not taking a break/vacation because I was kiiiiinda thinking on aligning it with a trip I have been wanting to do to meet with my best friend, but I am in inmigration purgatory since...a couple of years now thanks to covid :v. Basically I'm not legal at the moment and I can't leave the country until that gets solved, in-laws got me a lawyer to handle the paperwork and we have been waiting since April after delivering all papers and them being accepted without a word from their part =3=, soooo.... I can't count on this trip to relax, so I'll be taking a mini break now and hope it's good enough, lol. </3
I sooo wanted that trip ;w;

So yeah, I have been meaning to write this waaay before to give you guys time to decide if you want to stay/support these couple of months or even now, since I might be late for some who already might have paid for next month expecting some comic goodness, then you can PM me and I'll give you a refund for november. Don't want to make people feel cheated of their money expecting something and not getting it delivered :v, lol

That's about it!
I'm gonna work on them rewards now, sorry again for this all, but things are not improving from doing what I have been stubbornly doing. So a different course of action is in demand x3;;;. I'm hoping this is what I need to snap back to a muuuch better rhythm. heck I might even be able to go back to doing 4 comic pages per month!
Here's hoping!

As always thank you for your support and patience, love ya all!
Char char!

TL;DR: Gonna stop comic development for november and possibly december as well to get out of this bad mojo I've been having. Gonna work on missing rewards and gonna make some stickers in replacement of the comic for now!
Also gonna take a week break so you can rest assured I'm trying to get better x3;;;, lol
Anybody who paid for November already and wants that money back because of the comic stopping, then PM for a guilt-free refund.
Sorry and thank you for supporting this faulty char char!



Please take your time <3


Take your time, char.. Better you catch up on whats stressing, life's tough nough without you punishing yourself!


This is a well deserved break! I can understand how art can be a tangle to balance with life. Hopefully this time will give you the break you need!


That's true, one is one's own worst enemy. Worst of all is that personally I can't see myself "needing" a break even now xD;;;, but stuff! Thank you for them words <3


Yeah, art is not something that can happen on a normal office schedule just like that xD, sitting down and just going for it~ I mean, if I had everything doodled beforehand? then pshhh, I bet I could sit and just get it done smoothly, but since one can't do that without like, stopping to make things on the side, then yeeeah.. x3;;; <3