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Heyo there!
Struggling with the comic at the moment, had to rework the current page and that has taken a lot of my will tbh x3;;;;, but I figured it out and am still working on it, of course, lol

Either ways, this is a doodle I made to replace all pics on FA with cute characters as to preserve the uploads for mostly historic purposes for me, lol
I so wish I didn't have to do that, but that's FA now ;w;

This piccy has text, but made it textless here because it made no sense to have the text here =w=, lol

Either ways, back to the comic grind! xD
Hope you are all doing well <3

...just in case this character is "Pom-Pom" from the game "Honkai Star Rail"!, love his attire~




The FA thing is so ridiculous. I removed all my content from the site a long time ago after being striked for Neo being on there. I've noticed this lil guy has been pretty popular, I can see why


So adorable! The FA thing is stupid, shame all your cute art won't be on there anymore. But least we've got your cute butt here with us xxx


Oh yeah, you must have been hit by it loooong time ago xwx It's a shame because they are missing on your cute ass Their loss! Also yesh, this is a good cutie, helps that he is someone you see a lot in game uwu &lt;3


Absolutely dumb, it's a shame because I have so much history in that site. It's sad to not be too welcomed anymore, but what can be done about it besides comply with their demands x3;;; Also no worries indeed, my butt is not going anywhere. I'll find a way if I get kicked from other places =w=