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Heyo there uwu

Just a smol something while you guys wait for the comic pages, another doodle I did on mah free day for my best friend, he wanted me to in turn doodle his friend waking up in bed all grumpy, so he got his wish, lol
Too bad his friend is as straight as it comes, I would have enjoyed making this a little more nsfw |3c

Anyways it's a shame, I was close to finishing two comic pages before the end of the month, but I just couldn't, at least I got over the biggest hurdle, the doodling of the humanoid bodies x3;
I finished the lineart and now I'm on track for the coloring, shading and all that jazz
It should be smooth sailing now tho, I'll have a page either tomorrow or after tomorrow and the next one right afterwards, since I'm working on both at the same time!

So yah, prepare because they be comin' =w=




Thanks for working so hard vee! Can't wait to see the next two pages. Need me more of those cute Gazimon!