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He thought he'd get on Gantu's good side and recover experiment 626 after he escaped their ship. He was ready for everything when having to deal with the fugitive...everything but this!.
Alas, Stitch escaped during his afterglow... gonna be a hard report to write to Gantu.

Heyo there!
FINALLY finished the second pairing from November's poll. Stitch and one of those aliens  working the ship's controls on the first Lilo and Stitch movie at the beginning uwu. Too bad he dun have a name~, it'd make things much easier!

I tried working on a reward earlier and ended up having trouble figuring it out...so I moved to the poll pic and ended having trouble as well xD, this is like the third iteration/scenario for this pic.
I blame STILL being sick from new years with the flu my parents-in-law shared with hubby in christmas |3;;;. Not sick with flu, but with an everlasting cough that has me swallowing constantly to the point of sometimes feeling like I'm gonna choke because I have nothing to swallow (hard to explain, lol), super exasperated here tbh.

On another news, today I got suspended from FA, lmao. Just got a message saying I posted cub art and to message them to appeal the 7 day suspension. I did and in less than an hour they got back at me with a "On second thought it doesn't feel like you meant to draw cub on purpose, so suspension lifted and submission deleted still"
If it took just one more look to ascertain that it was fine, I wish they had done it without the suspension xD. At least I have other sites to upload so I wasn't too worried, but still!

Btw, it was the Mordecai and Rigby pic if any of you are curious |3c. I don't think I drew Rigby as a cub, but I blame their very different heights to have made it look cub-ish. Oh well!

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hey, hope everything is okay with you, its been a while...


You better be doing okay Vee! Worried as we've not heard from you in a while. Hope you're alright and just taking care of yourself xx