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I know I'm late and there is no excuse x3;;;;, just me tunneling over everything at a time.
I hope you can forgive char char, I'll set everything for the poll for July to be up for the middle of the month at least!.

Also for the poll characters, I added on the league of legends pairing the newest skin for Kog'maw, he looks just adooorable on the splash art, haha. So you can have an idea on what to expect if that pairing gets chosen

Remember to click the attachment to see the pairings |3c




It's easy, I see grovyle, I vote grovyle And hey, take it easy bro, for reals, no big deal if you take an extra week or two, don't stress yourself <3


Lmao, Grovyle is a darling |3c Also I try not to stress but it's pretty hard not to when I'm soooo behind xD But I'm gonna figure something out soonish about it. Thank you for the support Asbie =w= <3


Hey another suggestion. It might be interesting allow these pairs appear again on a future poll. I really like some characters here that unfortunately won't win so pls allow them have a second chance :p


Also add some teemo XD. Your teemo is the best and I'm missing him :p


Hahaha, honestly I totally wouldn't mind trying for them again |3c. Sometimes when I'm not inspired enough for a pairing, I go back to older polls. But I might do these sooner than later |3c