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Reflecting on Andrew Tate Torture and This Generation Ain't Got No Art



Love paul but that was a pointless out of touch ramble

Hypnotic Visionaire

I have a theory on this. I tried to become an experimental Filmmaker in my own right a while ago. And while one could argue if it was worth it or not, I can state why the Art Scene is so bland and generic. The attitude of going against the grain is one that leads to extreme isolation. And it is because curiosity is a threat to a media induced constructed identity. Most Americans are raised through their shared interests in topics rather than shared intrigue. And because of that, it is seen as a threat to their constructed identity if one doesn’t follow suit. You are raised to celebrate what is rather than what could be. And due to this, it’s safer and easier to become one either with the wave rather than make your own splash. And to go against that wave is to become a puddle of prevention rather than an explorer. I agree with the sentiments, and I agree with the fact that any idiot American who is prideful over their posturing alone is a fool. But they are empty because it’s better to have joy in shallow waters than it is to drown in the lake of introspective depth. Which is what I did, despite my best efforts to become meaningful. And I don’t blame them, even if the results are basic and uninspiring.

King Bugs

Paul doesn't acknowledge that the art, music, film, he loved growing up was created by the generation before him. If he's going to pin blame on gen Z lacking those things, the blame falls on people who are now in their 30's and 40's, like him.


Ok but how about the DFF gauntlet, you guys react to old clips of your show kind of how like sitcoms always have that episode where they show all the past funny moments.

Mark Murphy

Instead of blaming a whole generation maybe take some time to recognize the rampant, all encompassing consumerism that plagues our time. It has gotten worse by the decade and alot of good art is gatekept out by filthy corporatist media conglomerates

Kevin C

Paul sounds like these football fans that claim they won when really the team won. You can't take credit for your whole generation.