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Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden vs. Trump, Missing Persons Found in Weird Places, Conspicuous Consumption, Terrible Drivers, Storytime with Scotty, Demon Mama vs. DFF


N Nicole

Oh my land, how did they get your mom's address from your car? Must have been some high-level criminals. Paul definitely has ptsd. I'm sure he knows.


It's pretty easy. You can scan peoples tire censors (which are unique, wireless) and identify which vehicle and who they're owned by because that information is all sold by data brokers. Someone can just go buy a file on you that'll include all your movements, etc, for dirt cheap because this is all publicly traded info that details peoples medical history and everything. The data that's collected on everyone online is pretty invasive; it doesn't take much for someone who has any idea how to use these systems to find everything about you!


Scotty’s stories about growing up with TJ should become a recurring segment 😭💀