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Been a while since I sketched Ravisandra the Elf, who dropped out of cleric school as soon as she learned her first buff of fortitude spell, and as a result she's a healer who doesn't know any healing spells but she's really good at stacking up buffs on herself and her allies. Even with zero healing ability, Ravi still gets plenty of invites to parties because... well just look at her •ᴗ•

I changed her ear shape to move away from the Warcraft-specific Night Elf and Blood Elf designs I used to draw her with. Now her ears are smaller and angled to fit better with her jawline.

Shading WIP

Ravi's usual colors are typical fair-skinned fantasy elf:

Here she is with Night Elf colors – teal hair and purple skin. Looks kinda neat?

This is only about 30% of the layers and details I would normally do for a "full color" pic. I got a little burned out on coloring so I'm focusing on lines for a bit. Did a lot of streaming on Discord the last couple days starting a bunch of new pics, so I'm gonna work on finishing and posting those the rest of this week.



davyd chapman-comb

Love this updated look for Ravi, truly awesome again Rook.


Just gorgeous, super pretty coloring!