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Introducing some new characters, the girls of Felicia's college cheerleading team!

Felicia is the captain \( ゚ヮ゚)/ and she runs a tight squad!

Time to meet the girls:

Morgan is pretty young to be coaching, she was on the varsity cheer squad herself just a few years ago. Her laid-back coaching style means Felicia gets to do whatever (and whoever) she wants.

And what Felicia wants – is to incorporate fucking poses into the teams routine!

Now... originally I had planned for Felicia to be the only futa on the team, because 8 on 1 is a fun way for a futa to show her dominance and virility. She fucks her own team before a game, and the opposing cheerleading team after the game!

But... while I was drawing this team pose, I couldn't resist adding more dicks:

now I'm not sure which way to go. 8 girls on 1 futa, or an all-futa team?

I kinda like it both ways! ಥ_ಥ




Hey, she can still fuck her whole team if they're all futas

davyd chapman-comb

Watched you work on these Felicia's a total hung dream but, look forward to seeing more of Felicia and the squad.


All of them are really pretty and cute, but Felicia is too sexy, she takes the cake :)


Bringing the cheer everywhere


A part of me prefers the 8-on-1 proportion. On the other side… I really hope you gonna bring ‘em soon, I’d love to see Jenna and Kim dealing with them!


Thinking about a Felicia-focused chapter showing a day in her life, and just how many girls she fucks on an average day. I also have an idea for how Felicia crosses paths with Kim & Jenna again, but need to write more of Jenna's Journal to set that up


I like Felicia so much because she’s cheeky and reckless as well as confident. A spin-off arch about her would be super interesting and we could see her world (the rookverse?) from her point of view.