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She's buffer than I normally draw Cassie Krushinsk, even in the un-flexed 1st sketch:

Then I just couldn't resist hulking her out even more, with a fully flexed bicep curl in the 2nd sketch, getting her peaks (and pants) exploding with the effort!

so now I need to decide... do I make her a different character like Lindsey to justify her buffness? Do I make her less buff so it can stay Cassie? Keep her big for this pic and finish it as-is? Make it a bicep curl animation?

¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯




Make it a bicep curl animation and keep it a one off. She had some wonky super roids one day the wore off, and she felt like shit later on so she never tried them again


I think it would be good to have another character who is Lindsey sized


Absolutely loving Cassie