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All the pirate sketches so far have been character design exploration, but this one is an actual commission! Big thanks to patron Zuggtmoy for liking the character enough to order a full pinup, and a comic page of the pirates in action to boot!

Eventually this will have full shading and color. For now here's the finished base sketch. 

WIP Snapshots:

This will be the last of the pirate things for a little while. Holiday variety mix coming up next as I shuffle together a few different themes. I've posted almost all the rough unfinished sketches that were piling up, so most of what's left in the unposted pile is pretty creamy if I do say so myself!




Some of those canon balls will be duds, and some of them might even do some damage but two of them will explode big time 😏


NICE! I'm gonna miss the crew in these next few days, tho...