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Hey, Patrons! As usual, we just wanted to give you a heads up that our February Progress Report was released a few days ago!

With this past report, we discuss some major kernel improvements which now make Super Smash Bros. Ultimate matches completely stable in yuzu, as well as a new memory layout that allows for more advanced game mods. We also cover some awesome GPU fixes (some targeted for Steam Deck!), performance optimizations, and UI improvements. Among these changes, we also have greatly improved Amiibo support!

Continue reading this progress report on our website!

As always – thank you! We would not be able to work on yuzu as much as we do without all of your amazing support.

- The yuzu development team


Progress Report February 2022 · yuzu

Glad to have you here, yuz-ers! This month, we're proud to showcase a ton of kernel changes that finally fix long standing bugs, massive performance improvements, UI and input changes, and more! But first, we present to you: a heavily requested feature. Not for yuzu, but for our articles.


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