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Boy have I been a silent disgrace in the last week haha. I am sorry I didn't give any sign of life or streaming on discord. I just wanted to show I am not deceased and give the bit of context for the radio silence !

I have to admit that I fried my brain a little bit in the last month with the endless delay I keep getting myself stuck into and the lack of sleep (everytime I'd make up an organized plan for the next week or two things would never go as planned and would still get delayed) and when I have stuff on my mind, any social management becomes a lot heavier and stressful than it normally is. Usually that is what leads to me ghosting while I get the other thing sorted out by myself in silence - hence lack of interaction basically everywhere and my avoidance of social medias lol

So I have been working more hours than I should allow myself, I'm not slacking off even though I'm silent, I've been trying to avoid working 24hours+ cycles in the last days since I caught a little bug (maybe strep throat, maybe flu or just a cold, lack of sleep probably weakened my immune system and got hit right in the face with germs, i never get sick lol) --- I"m also trying to revive my deadass dum babybrain, trying out meditation breaks when I can and god is it refreshing to just turn off your brain and concentrate on your breathing for a bit, very nice 10/10 do recommend

I'm just getting my file pileup sorted out while getting rid of the bug, I'm almost done with it (maybe another day or two to make sure) - I haven't dug into the last suggestion post yet but that's what I'm gonna work on wednesday or thursday after I've been good grl uwu you will hear from me back to prime meat status soon enough

So TLDR; not dead, sick and deep fried tho so I shut myself down while getting shit sorted out, slowly animorphing into a yoga mom, shit is almost patched up but another mb 2 days of silence to make sure the bug and the files are taken care of and I'll be mentally ready to rub myself on that last suggestion post with stream and catch up with concerned people sliding into my dms lol

5am bedridden meru out into dreamland o7 i hope you amazing bbyboos are doing great and you are keeping yourselves warm ! (Or cool, for the aussie yknow)

Oh unrelated but I was contacted by patreon about some stuff, I've been told though that what I've been drawing in the last (little over a) year are all a+ to the patreon tos and just had to review like a handful of older files B) that's very reassuring, I was never sure if I was in the clear and thought I could loose my livinghood at any given day so good thing that isn't a worry on the back of my mind anymore haha ?



We have life and the Holidays to manage; don't fret over it, you're doing the best you can


Dont overwork yourself, its not worth breaking yourself down into a ball of exhaustion! Take a break atleast for Christmas have the gift of relaxation


Heal up and rest. Can't have more art if your dead.


Rest dude, no shame in getting your rest.


Don't fret over this, I think many patrons here follows enough artists to know that a schedule is always almost impossible to follow, and we got time ! Just heal and relax, have a good time. After all, waiting is part of the game ^^


Take what rest you need Meru.

Anime Art Enjoyer

Meru, you do like 10x the art everyone else on Patreon does. Never feel bad about taking a break.


For the love of your health PLZ you should really not make so much content and relax more. I know you love creating but even so everyone needs a break from it. I know nobody else who puts out so much content as you. So plz don't be sry for taking it slow or a break.


Love ya


We love you, the last thing we want is for you to overwork yourself into an early grave


Wtf, is the 😎 emoji at the end italic?? Also, take your time to get stuff sorted out.


Hope you feel better


Girl you need to take proper breaks! Don't drive yourself to sickness due to overworking yourself


Get your sick bum in the bed til you´re better, it won´t help if you pump so much content and your health gets worse. Take short breaks between polls, it helps you to keep consistency and to relax. Your amount of content is impressive as is in the time you put it out, just keep it low for 2-3 Days and get better

Juan Pablo Gálvez Luna

I'm here mostly for Merucubbu's pics, and it is eniught to keep me here waiting. So i hope you can fix your system or at least get a new one from amazon... Wait, what?!


Glad to hear you're okay! (Well, struggling, but alive) That's all that matters. Take care of yourself, you put out a ton of amazing content and deserve necessary breaks. tbh tons of patreon artists phone it in for all of December anyway, so just think of it as a well deserved holiday vacation maybe?


I'm sorry to hear that. Get well soon and take your time to recover : )