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Hey guys !

As stated at the top of the patreon page and every 6 weeks of constant work, next week is a break week for lil ol' me ? That means the weekly patreon work/schedule will be paused as I will take a little moment to breathe after being such a busy bee in the last few weeks. I will complete my backlogged pics and take time to do things I don't always have time to do, such as studying/practicing/experimenting certain things, getting a coffee with the mom and animating.

That means I won't post daily summaries & there won't be regular streams but I will be checking the discord server :3 Since I will probably not have any work left to do on monday/tuesday on the week following the break, regular schedule will resume as usual on Wednesday 14th to sketch some of the high tier rewards.

I will stuff do things for fun like animating and doodling small things, I'll update the archive in the next few days with the stuffs I already doodled last week ! For the next suggestion post, normally I would have made the post today for friday but since the workpile is paused, I'll make the next post on the 10th !

I will probably stream my animation attempts next week and hangout/try to voicechat at the same time on the days where I'll be home alone pfahaha I'll keep the discord peeps updated with that once I'm done planning the whole week in deeper details and I'm done with the already scheduled things :)

That's all I wanted to say ~

Thanks for reading, for your support and have a great week :D


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