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Hey guys !

I've been thinking about a small edit/addition to the 10$ and the 20$ tier - I'm telling you right now in case you would like to edit your pledge for next month :) All the changes will be applied in October !

Basically I really like the idea of having weekly polls but I have absolutely no time at all to fit a poll/day to doodle the most voted choices of the poll - I have a never ending/always growing list of ideas and characters I wanna draw but I can't do any UNLESS I pull an all nighter to do one or two of them and check them off the list - and some of those ideas have been gathering dust in there for YEARS !

So I am thinking about making the doodling of suggested ideas ONLY (not my own, all yours) every two weeks, while the other weeks inbetween will be my own. Basically Week A being fan/suggestion-week, Week B is Meru-week. So we won't be calling the fridays streams Fanart Fridays anymore as even in my personal weeks I might add some ideas involving my succubus or some other artists's OC so it'll just be a doodle day/chill friday :)

1 fan week/2 will allow OCs as well.

The the Meru-weeks there will be polls hosted for the 10$+

So here are basically the changes that will be done to the 10$ and the 20$ tiers in details :

- 10$ TIER -

+ 2 polls a month - Will feature about 10 of my cherry picked ideas and half of them will be done that week. Themes and characters will be varied and won't exclusively be ABDL or Pokephiliac, there will be a bit of everything. Gonna link a collage showing what the characters look like everytime so you have a better idea of who I am refering too, even if you don't know the characters, you can vote for the prettiest/your favourite design :)

For some of the vague ideas for which I do not have anything specific in mind, brainstorming will be done on the discord channel in the respective idea/brainstorm chat. I will do it at the start of the week so it gives you more time to vote.

- 20$ TIER -

+ Voting power like the 10$ one

+ Exclusive suggesting powers - Suggest ideas twice a month on respective weeks, will do a patreon post about it for people to comment on. Will also attach any rules or details required in that post.

OCs will be allowed 1 fan week out of 2 / every 4 weeks or so. The respective patreon post will have a "THIS WEEK : FANART ONLY", "THIS WEEK : FANART & OCS" or even maybe have themes for fanarts such as evil/bad guys, smol but swol, muscle babes, pointy ears, furry cuties, flatchested, etc. The theme part is unofficial, mostly a rambling things at the moment, but it might clear some options for people and give nice ideas/week thematics :)

+ Instead of making the post the day before the doodling day, I will do it at the start of the week so it gives you more time to think about it.

+ 50$ TIER, no suggesting ! You already get your own idea drawn in every single details you ask for every month guaranteed, leave some Meru for the others ;)


I made a post about the changes yesterday but I wanted to simplify it a bit so have a re-upload/update !


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