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Sick pair of episodes! I find the tip wearing down on Valtryek to be a cool gimmick, but I guess he needs to replace the tip every so often? Enjoy. 



So the thing about the “Ev” or “Evolution” driver (that’s what the performance tips in burst are called) is that the tip when you get the beyblade has a bunch of nubs over top of the flat bottom, making it look basically like an attack type unicrest tip. These tips are similar to rubber on erasers, however, and as we know, rubber wears down. So technically, yes he would have to awaken valtryek every so often, but you can actually either cut or manually rub off these rubber nubs, essentially forcing the tip to awaken. That said, there’s another driver out now that does what the evolution driver was meant to do, but does it better. That won’t be brought up until much later, so I’ll explain it then, but just keep this specific gimmick in mind, even when more gimmicks show up later. as for the final of the top four, all I’ll say is that he’s VERY different from anyone we’ve met so far, and he brings with him probably the most popular series of beyblades in the competitive scene. Every single release of that bey was in at least top three in every single Beyblade Burst tournament up until they stopped.


Good to know. Not all Beys have the Ev Driver in Burst, right? Only Valtryek?