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Optimus Prime 2.0?!?! This is easily my favorite episode of S3 now. This was sick! Enjoy. 


JD Dumas

In the Transformers Movie, Optimus chooses Ultra Magnus to be his successor while on his death bed. The Matrix allowed him to carry it within him until the true heir was found, but it did not merge with his Spark. Personally, I think Smokescreen made the correct choice, because becoming a Prime is a very intense experience. The Matrix is sort of like a Trill Symbiote from Star Trek, if an unworthy or unprepared host tries to forcible join with it, the memories of all the past bearers will drive them mad. And while I think Smokescreen would've made a great Prime, it would've taken time to assemalate all that wisdom, and time is something he did not have.


Interesting. I think he is worthy, but definitely not prepared. As I stated, he is too young. It would have been cool to see a new Prime. Honestly, I'd love a series with a new Prime leading it.

damightytrollface 10

This is your favourite episode of this season? Oh, you have no idea how much better it gets. Sneak peak: cool 2v1

Delta Echo