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JD Dumas

I have several recommendations for Transformers content after Prime. Each with their own pros and cons. The direct sequel to Prime, Robots in Disguise, would be a good choice. Most of the characters are enjoyable Two of the series original characters (Strongarm and Steeljaw) have become fan favorites and gone on to appear in other series. However, the tone is more lighthearted, the format is more villain of the week and the human companions are week compared to those in Prime. Transformers Animated is something a cult favorite. The only downside is that it's short, only 42 episodes, and since it was abruptly canceled to make way for Prime the finale is rushed and leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Machinema's Prime Wars Trilogy is awesome, but again it's short. As in so short you could probably binge all three seasons in one afternoon. Then there's the G1 cartoon. It's four seasons and a movie, so you'd be watching it for a while. And if you ignore the finale, you could jump right into the Japan exclusive sequels. Of course, since it's an 80s cartoon the continuity is super loose.

Obscurus Gabriel

Tbh i waited for this episode since i noticed that ultra magnus behind you :). Also transformers animated is really good in my opinion.

Delta Echo