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Ayanokoji is too good, man. LMAO! Enjoy. 


Abner Saravia

It was Ayanokoji who had the rumors that was spreading about his classates to be published on the school website. He payed kushida for that information and had it spread to see how accurate her information is.


Great reaction! Yeah I never quite got why shoplifting would be so heavily looked down on? Yes its wrong but it isn't like she murdered someone or...I don't know know what is just a step above shoplifting? Armed robbery? Yes its wrong but like you said is it true justice to continue to punish Ichinose for this? Man I forgot about a lot of this arc. These arcs are good, but it is mostly laying ground work for future amazing arcs. But yeah....now Ayanokoji now has to pay Kushida half his points. Huge bummer :( But maybe having a master manipulator from your class on your side is worth it? I was always thinking at this point "GET RID OF HER!" lol