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I can see why some would consider these episodes 'filler' as some of it really isn't necessary, but I find it charming that characters such as Jake are being brought back considering how he helped Kai in the past. Pretty sure he had other moments, too. 

This is the end game, so it's only right to bring a lot of characters back, but I also acknowledge how some of these concepts are just dropped, and that's sad. Overall, I'm enjoying this if you couldn't tell. XD 


&Apple Game&

Anriku Reacts, i have a problem. My account has been banned on patron, I don't know why, but I can access patron in the application and not on the website. They told me to send it to 8471bc220eac1624


I was temporarily blocked and it lifted immediately. Something to do with their server but it fixed itself. Idk if you're having the same issue or not.

&Apple Game&

Yea, now i dont have blocked.