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THIS IS INSANE!! I'm starting to think this season is over-hated. Enjoy the reaction.


Noah Drubba

I'm sorry for everything i said about this season THIS IS PEAK🔥

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 21:52:25 The main problem for me was too many cooks in the kitchen, but other than that I didn't hate this season anywhere near as much as everyone else.
2024-01-11 22:35:48

shaba oobla

I think the main problem also comes with the next couple of episodes because some episodes feel like filler and then some feel so rushed


Interesting. I'm curious what I'll think of it. I heard the main issue is the finale but idk how true that is.


That's fair. Sometimes too many ideas is counterproductive. Yeah, I just don't get the hate for this season.