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ABSOLUTELY SICK FIRST EPISODE! I remember that end scene from the manwha, and they nailed it. I can't wait for the next episode to see if this quality keeps up. What did you think of this first episode? Enjoy. 


Noah Drubba

Why did you stop reading?


I was doing it as a read along on Twitch, and around that time a bunch of people were getting hit for copyright, so I stopped.


Honestly ready for this whole series i had never read the Manwha but after seeing this episode after airing i binged all 200 chapters in the last couple days because it was so good lmao. Looking to see now that i've finished it how different the LN is compared but either way it's super hype!


I wish they would have ended the episode with the smile but other than that I'm so hype for this series. I'm even listening to the audiobooks while I'm at work

Roronoa Zoro

Nah it’s perfect. They can use it to open next episode before they cut to the OP

Roronoa Zoro

I told you man. A-1 pictures is a studio we can trust in. SAO, and fairy tail are 2 series they did. Both look fantastic


That smile is going to haunt anime-only viewers' nightmares. XD


I am ashamed I doubted based A-1 pictures, man. I forgot all the heat they delivered us over the years.

cody fox

Makes sense you didn't recognize the ants section since that was a really early teaser for an arc that happens about 100 chapters in

Peacefinder Simply

Noooo, I was so hyped to watch your reactions but read source material, I’m trying to find a good blind reaction but everyone has read it. Sucks. I personally don’t like reactions that aren’t blind, but that’s me. Btw did you read much? Edit: Nvm watched start of reaction and you say it.


If you still looking Peacefinder, Rice & Ginger are blind reaction to Solo Leveling.


Finally time to start catching up with your solo leveling reactions. Haha so rare to see you pause in reaction, but Cha Hae-In got you :D