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COTE is back with S3, and I couldn't be happier! I will admit that I will probably forget some things, but I'll try my best to keep up. What did you think of this first episode? Enjoy. 


Noah Drubba

There are animes with good dubs but most of them are very bad in my opinion.


Yeah. I've always been subs over dubs but I'm just getting tired of subs. Lol.


Very few anime have good dubs. But there are a few. I normally only watch sub but if I'm at work I'll play the dubs for background noise since I already know what happens


I agree. I've always been sub over dub, but I'm just finding dub easier for reactions. Granted, my posture while recording plays a role. Sometimes I'm sitting too high up and it makes it hard to read the subs without having to look down.


LOL you forgot things? Dude as you know I'm an LN reader, and I'm already like a year ahead in universe (the class is in their 2nd year) and I forget so many things because of it! Can't wait to watch this reaction


Glad to know I'm not the only one. This is the type of show that it's hard to retain all of the info but it's badass when it happens in the moment. I feel it's best to try to remember in broad strokes rather than specific details since this series is so in depth.


For sure! Sometimes I have to google names when I'm reading just to see a picture just to remember who is who lol


True! It's probably even hard with the LN since there's not many illustrations.