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Monday: Ninjago S15 E5-6,  Transformers Prime E24 & Lego Monkie Kid S2 E1-2.

Tuesday: Ninjago S15 E7-8, Transformers Prime E25 & Sonic Prime E3.

Wednesday: Ninjago S15 E9-10 & Transformers Prime E26. 

Thursday: Ninjago S15 E11-12.

As you can see, this week is light on uploads, and I'm sorry for that. This is NOT how I wanted to start the first week of 2024. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I wasn't able to record today and that drastically affected the schedule. I'm also not going to be home Wed & Thurs, and the weekends are typically a no-go for recording. I'm hoping I can find some time this Friday and the weekend, but if not, I'll catch up to the new seasonal anime on Monday. Then business will proceed as normal.

Thank you so much for your support, patience, and understanding.