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WE NEED S2 NEXT YEAR, PLEASE! I'm not sure how far ahead the source material is compared to the anime, but I hope we don't need to wait TOO long for S2. What did you think of S1 and this finale? Thanks for coming along with me on this journey into S1, and enjoy! 



This is definitely a great ending for s1 but I'm hoping for season 2 to come soon. I'm also so excited for your eminence ep 12 to come out


Same. We need to know what happens next in this mystery series. That Eminence e12 ending was so dang interesting.


Was a fun ride and it ended where I thought it would with Polka resolving on Clone boy =). Too bad they cut some of the scenes with Eldest Sister, but think as I don't want to spoil we need to wait season 2 for Anriku to get the full picture on her =)