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I enjoyed these 2 episodes. I hope Krag becomes the village's protector. Enjoy. 


Galaxy Wolf

The whole rock climbing thing hasn't really been fully explained on if cole genuinely likes rock climbing. When cole talks about how he met wu in the pilots cole says "And I was testing my limits" which tells me Cole sees rock climbing as sort of challenge or type of training. Then back in season 8 we get a remake flash back where we gwt more info on why he climbs mountains. Cole says that due to his mother death his father is more absent around the house going off singing and dancing which frustrates cole. Wu assumes cole is rock climbing to get away from all his negative emotions he has at home. Rock climbing is more of a distraction to deal with his grief. So with all of this My interpretation of it is that Cole sees rock climbing as sort of an escape or a place to be calm and get away from his negative emotions as pushing himself in harsh physical activities creates a good distraction for him. so Yes i think cole does enjoy it but not for the concept of it but from the distraction and challenge it brings. hopes this helps

&Apple Game&

master wu said that "the traveler's tree growing in ninjago will not work in never land" But the traveler's tree does not only grow in the ninjago


That's fair. I just find it a bit perplexing due to the retcons, etc.