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The "John Smith" arc comes to an end, but what did Delta find at the end of episode 7? Perhaps something that will lead us into the next arc? Overall, this is the weakest arc in the series for me, so far. I enjoyed it, but some parts dragged a bit. Just my subjective feeling. Enjoy. 



Shadow's secret message was never meant to be uncoded so all the gold he stashed for himself was taken by Shadow Garden and he thought Gettan stole it so the rest of the episode is nothing but misunderstandings LOL

Roronoa Zoro

Cid was surprised that delta recognized him cause he put on a lot of perfume to try and mask his scent. Delta’s nose is insane


Everyone always misunderstands Shadow, he is a much more simple guy than everyone in the series thinks XD. His roundabout way of doing things and talking also don't help with that.