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True to her name, Frieren is cold af, man! She wasted no time obliterating that dude. Wow! I also love that we got the title drop at the end. Next episode is about to be CRAZY! Enjoy. 


Roronoa Zoro

So the human leader asked the demon “isn’t one of your men missing” (cause he wasn’t in the room with the demon), to which the demon replied “he’s in the privy” aka the bathroom so the human leader mentioned he didn’t ask any servant where it was


The actual Japanese title of the manga, Sousou no Frieren, which has two meanings. One is "Frieren at the Funeral" which is generally what happened to start the season (Her being at Himmel's) and now we get the other translation/meaning of the title which is "Frieren who sends (one) to their Funeral/"Frieren the Slayer" or "Frieren the Undertaker" Sousou here being a verb (sending someone to grave), though its hard to make a 1/1 english Translation. Btw, forgot to mention the Demon Names meaning translated to english in the last Episode: Lügner - Liar Draht - Wire Linie - Line


That's confusing. If he asked if one of the demons is missing and the demon replied the demon is in the bathroom, why would it matter if he didn't ask exactly where he is? Unless you mean the human leader asked where his man is and not the demons man. I'll go back and watch the scene. Edit: got what you meant. The demon didn't ask the location of the bathroom. Sorry, my brain is fried after today's session. 😅

Roronoa Zoro

The human leader mentions it to bring up the inconsistency. The demons have never been in that building before. It would be hard to find the bathroom without asking. Especially without rousing any type of suspicion or even being seen by servants. So the human leader was just making it known that he already suspected the demons of foul play

Giorno X

The title Sousou no Frieren has a double meaning, the first is the mourning Frieren, which we can see from the first episode she's the one who's at her teammates' funerals. And until now we've just learned the second meaning: she's the one who finished the demons off. That title drop and realisation gave me goosebumps.