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The "Hero" Stark appears! I'm so excited to learn more about him. Enjoy the reaction. 



The Monsters Name "Einsam" is german for "lonely" Stark = german for strong And if no one else mentioned it so far: Frieren = freeze Fern = translateble as far or remote Himmel = Sky/Heaven Eisen = Iron Heiter = can be translated as cheerful or cheery Flamme = flame The Demons Name in EP3, Qual = Agony Its interesting that almost everyone in this Story has German Names, and even Towns and Regions have them ^^


I love how the names relate to their character, too. It's a nice touch.

Mychael Dark

Have to say man, you sounded the snarkiest I have ever heard you during the beginning of this episode. I don't know what was going on, but it was both slightly amusing and worrisome. Never saw you act like this before. LOL


The recap comment? I was just making a comment and giving my thought on it. Lol