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Hey WarriorZ. I'm currently editing episode 7 of DitF and once that is done I'll be recording Boku no Hero. That will be put up today for you all and the highlights will also be put up. I need to know if my early access patrons would want to see Megalo Box still? I could just do full reactions and post them here then a week later put it on breach. There wouldnt be a YouTube video for it unless I just do a review of the episode. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.



Hey there


Idk how this live thing works on Patreon but it says 4 others are here?


Can't wait to see your reactions, and hear your thoughts, about the most recent episode of My Hero Academia Season 3!


Recent 2? I'm only one behind I thought. I watched the one after the muscular fight.


Oops. I see you corrected the message lol.