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So I made a Patron 5 dollar only poll about the next Mecha series I will watch after DitF, but I wanted all Patrons to be able to leave some suggestions in the comments of this post. By no means does this mean I am doing these suggestions. I'm just curious to see what gets suggested and if I like it I'll put it on my list. 



Overlord, One Punch Man, The Seven Deadly Sins, or Re:Creators are what I suggest~


Overlord and One Punch Man are on my list. Problem is I stopped short on both and for OPM I feel just waiting for S2 is the better choice.


Maybe Log Horizon, or idk if you have already seen it but Nanatsu no Taizai?


Hey Niklas! I tried Log Horizon before and it kind of bored me, but Sevenly Deadly Sins seems cool. I watched like the first 8 episodes I think? AlduicS probably has that information. XD