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This is easily one of the best episodes in this series. The action, story, character development, and set up for S2 were so damn good. 

The change back to 20+ minute episodes along with making this more serialized rather than how they use to do it has definitely led to this being some of the best Ninjago we've gotten. The set up with Lord Ras was perfect thanks to that change. What did you think of this season and finale? Are you excited for S2?


Noah Drubba

Season 2 with Ras as the main villain will be absolutely insane. Now that you're caught up with Ninjago, what are your favorite seasons?

damightytrollface 10

There are more source dragons that we've seen. Riyu, the matriarch dragon and the herd we saw at the beginning of the season, but only seven are godlike entities. Lord Ras and Wyldfyre are both from The Realm of The Wildness Season 2 coming in April 4


I'd have to go back and look at each one to remember them all, but S5 is easily up there for me.