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Probably the weakest episode of the series. At least, for me it was. What did you think of this episode? 


Metallic Rouge Episode 10 Full Reaction

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Kinda weak but i feel like this in a way puts everyone to their corners and who will be siding with who in the next couple episodes as stuff may be hitting the fan lol. Personally don't mind a little relaxing episode before they figure out their plans. Even though it's not any crazy hype it was pretty interesting seeing that they were once all family and stuck together but in a way it feels like they are all blinded by their wanting to be free.


Glad I'm not the only one that thought it was weak. I get slower episodes, and what this one was trying to do as you explained it, but I guess I wasn't in the mood or just wasn't feeling it. XD I guess I feel like it could have been presented better? I wasn't really feeling the Eva scenes either. I agree they are blinded by the notion of being free. It should be interesting to see how it all unfolds, and who survives.