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I have finished the drawing of Bojack and Peanutbutter. Also, as I had commented, I have changed the dialogue referring to the kiss scene. :P

Honestly, I have never liked Diane's relationship with Peanut (Or in general), her lack of responsibility and treatment of him despised for no reason are one of the many things that I did not like, I even came to believe that the best ending for Peanut would be stop trying with women and to try with Bojack. xP




If anything, this oughta be a catalyst for Season six... XD

Kenji Shishimaru

To be fair, both he and Diane had issues they needed to work on and they came out as better people by the series' end for it. But I will say, PB and BoJack are an interesting pair for several reasons, and PB being the one of the remaining constants in his life is beautiful (and gay) in a way.