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Hey guys, I'm currently busy with a bigger project and there won't be a patreon set for this month and the next. There will be no charges while I am inactive on patreon and not releasing new content. I thought I could manage the workload on the project while still keeping my patreon running, but because of the sheer amount of work it requires during it's conception, I cannot in good faith deliver quality content to my patreon. Once the main work for the project has been completed, I would be able to run both effectively with comfort.

I would also like to take this opportunity to take a break from Patreon as I have been creating content for Patreon for 5 years, refresh my mind and hopefully come back with even better work. As a token of gratitude for your patience, I will be including additional artwork for the next set. Thank you always for your continued support!



Take your time and you’ve got this !


Good luck on your project Zumi! Wishing for your success!! Take it easy! If you have time do keep us posted periodically on how you are doing and hows life going. Cheers


No problem, take your time with that project ;)


Hope you take care of yourself.


Good luck on your project. Will be here when you return. Love your art!!


Thanks 🙏🏻, best wishes for you 🤗


Everyone needs a break from time to time to avoid burnout, so take the time you need Zumi. I haven't been a patron for long, but I fully intend to stay one because of your amazing work!


Rest easy, you deserve it, hope all goes well for you.


Take care of yourself ❤️


I've got 80 folders full of beautiful characters you gave life to, and represented perfectly - including one of your very own creation. I know there are others with even more than me. Good luck with your project. I know it'll be something you're proud of when you're done. I'll be eagerly awaiting your return set, but no rush!


Best of luck on your big project \o/


Good luck on your project&break ,love your art so much!


I'm happy you took the the high road and focused on the project, and didn't release low effort filler for us.


Been here a while and I will be here still


All good man.


Don't worry Zumi, take a break if you need it! Burnouts aren't fun so rest, and take your time before you get back to it. We'll wait for you :D


Thanks for the great art so far. Take time to focus on what needs priority. Best of luck and we hope to see you back soon and refreshed.


I look forward to your return.


Good luck on your project and I will wait for your return!

Tommy Jensen

Project, sounds interesting...! Good luck on what ever it is, and we will eagerly look forward to your return. ❤

Draven Shadow

Sounds important and also interesting. Do what you need to and best of luck with all you have to do. 😎😁👍


Thanks for letting us know. Take care and do what you need to do. Best wishes.


Good luck! We look forward to your project! Take as much time as you need, we will be here. ❤️


Good luck with the new project!


Best of luck in all you do!


Thanks for letting us know. Good luck in your project and we will be here.😀


Good luck with the project and enjoy your break. We'll be here when you return!👍

Kevin Chen

where can we see your project if we can?


Good luck, can someone help me I'm new here. I want the high resolution of Mikasa but cannot get it. What do I need to do?


Take your time!! ❤️


If you just recently signed up, the sets get sent out in messages every month a set is released. If you're looking for a past set, you can buy individual sets from zumi's gumroad. (https://zumi.gumroad.com/) I recently went back for a set that I wasn't around for not too long ago. Just use the link or google "zumi gumroad" and search for mikasa. Any sets she was in will appear, and you can buy the set. No characters are sold individually or in custom bundles.