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"Shortest" theme? Dunno, anything goes.



Have the once thin girl be well aware of what is happening to her . . . from a double chin to a double GG bustline !!! (LOL) She will never be teasing anyone anymore for being fatter than her. She has gotten EXACTLY what she deserved . . . and quite a bit more on top of it. Now . . . she will have to waddle through life as a huge "fat girl" . . and learn what is like to get fat - shamed !!!


How about an old lady stealing the "youth and beauty" of a young woman by making her wear a magical pair of cateye glasses and a short grey wig . . . and dressing her in some of her old - fashion clothes . . . for a "costume party" ??? Slowly but surely . . . this old lady becomes younger . . . and this young woman ages into an "old crone".

PLUSCIOUS (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 11:50:58 We know that you have done many "storylines" like the ones that we are now requesting. But . . . we either enjoyed them so much . . . or . . . we are now asking to see them again with new and different characters. All of us have our favorites. Mine is the "Goth Saleslady Witch". I never seem to get tired of seeing her "fattening - up" her rude obnoxious customers. Maybe it is because I used to work in our local mall . . . and I had to try to put up with plenty of rude and mean people. Believe me . . . I would have loved to be a real witch !!!
2024-03-03 10:27:44 We know that you have done many "storylines" like the ones that we are now requesting. How ever . . . we either enjoyed them so much . . . OR . . . we are now asking to see them again with new and different characters. All of us have our favorites. Mine is the "goth saleslady witch". I never seem to get tired of seeing her "fattening - up" her rude obnoxious customers. Maybe it is because I used to work in our local mall . . . and I had to try to put up with plenty of rude and mean people. Believe me . . . I would have loved to be a real witch !!!

We know that you have done many "storylines" like the ones that we are now requesting. How ever . . . we either enjoyed them so much . . . OR . . . we are now asking to see them again with new and different characters. All of us have our favorites. Mine is the "goth saleslady witch". I never seem to get tired of seeing her "fattening - up" her rude obnoxious customers. Maybe it is because I used to work in our local mall . . . and I had to try to put up with plenty of rude and mean people. Believe me . . . I would have loved to be a real witch !!!


How about having the "In - Crowd" group of girls at a school "transformed into a bunch of Nerdy - Losers" ??? Make them all "overweight" with "ratty hair" . . . and wearing thick glasses and metal braces !!! Have them all well aware of what has happened to them . . . as they quickly become the most unpopular group of "Goofballs" on campus. Afterwards . . . have our "goth saleslady witch" walk by with this . . . big . . . humorous "SMILE" on her face.