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Easter, coroniversary... dunno, something fun and simple I guess.



The Easter Bunny last year was so awesome. What would happen if someone ate one of those eggs?


The third Chaos sister(comic form) arguing like she was both the other sisters merged together? Like split personality? Maybe one wants to “feel good” and the other wants to sleep?


I had a very similar request before https://www.patreon.com/posts/fused-38783724


Unattractive couple got out from the manor with the following deal: everytime she makes him cum, she gets more beautiful (thinner, taller, bust, face, etc); same goes for him when he gets her off. Thing is he is with her only for sex and doesn’t care about giving pleasure. She soon becomes hot enough he starts jerking off to her when they don’t have sex, enhancing her anyway. In the end she becomes a goddess and him her worshipper.


always up for more artificial enhancements 'plastic' barbie bimbo's. maby MtF comeuppance about beauty standards?


Hi new here, but would love to see maybe a girl get revenge on her hot bully by turning her into a fat gassy girl. (Gas may not be everyones cup of tea but just my request) and it being the manor of course maybe some adverse side effects happen to the wisher where she gets the bully's looks and then goes full bimbo on top of it because chaos magic or something idk.


I'd also love to see some blueberry stuff again. Thanks!