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I want this time you to choose a character you might like. I'm proposing Orchid and Blaze for the next set, after finishing with Ramona Flowers. Both characters are very underrated and there is very few erotic works about them, which is a crime.

You can also propose another character in the comments, and if people like them, we can have a poll to decide which character is gonna be next for the next erotic collection.

Let me know what do you think and comment for your favorite girl. 

See you later.




Orchid. Her in KI2 is a work of legend, especially her no-loss victory screen https://www.fightersgeneration.com/nx2/char/ki/orchid-ki2-animation.gif

Antonio B.

either or for me. /b


I realy like both, but I will choose Orchid because Blaze is more represented.


Orchid enough said LOL