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Here's a look at what's coming to Patreon next month, this time before September even starts!

The most important note is that I wanna start doing a couple simpler pinups at the start of the month, based on Patron Requests. The goal will be to leave this slot for ANY characters that get requested, not just the most popular/culturally relevant picks, which the rest of the month will usually be focused on. I'm debating doing this in the third week of the month as well, but I have to see how this current plan feels first.

Now that that's out the way, enjoy the long awaited follow up to my Mary Jane and Black Cat pic + The second half of the new Dragonball chapter. Also, Sarada's new design, and a super thick Mileena.

And as it's been 3 months since the last one, I'll be taking a week off at the end of the month, but as usual it will be after you get your 4 weeks' worth of content.

Hope to see most of you next month!



Jamal Laquari

I'm most hyper for Overwatch as usual but I'm very excited for Sarada and that September 15th DB one, Vados lookin fine as fuck and I've wanted to see her get some action for so long 😩 Hope you enjoy your break! Hope you take it easy!




When does the Total drama come back?