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As always I come to the patrons for answers to my questions, this time wanting to propose a new idea!

So I'm over here looking through requests as I do every month, once again shafting a lot of characters thinking "I know there's only four pinup spots a month, and I should focus on the most popular ones right?" and "People would be disappointed if I skip this popular choice in favor of this more obscure character"

I know in recent months it's been about loading up each month with as many hype characters as possible, and sometimes focusing on currently trending characters. But I do sometimes miss the old days of requests, where I would just draw anyone without caring about the levels of hype. Obscure characters and even people's OC's.

So I was thinking about how I could still do that, but in harmony with my schedule instead of adding on to it. For example, one week of the month being focused on 2-3 simple pinups of requested characters instead of one complex pinup.

NOTE: These would likely be simple solo pinups, like this Ranni pinup that focus on showing off a character's body. The rest of the month's work would be sexual multi-character/multi-pose pics as usual.

What do you wise folks think about this?



I know the popular characters are popular for a reason but a change of things sounds great


I say go for it