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Thank you so much for bearing with the crazy week and the uncertainty on the future of the Patreon, but as of today we should be 99% back to normal! There's a post coming shortly after this one filling you all in on what's gonna happening going forward. But for now it's time for another week of posts! Here's what you can look forward to this week!

NOTE: The archives section of the folders has returned with some changes/ommissions.

All Patrons

Four new patron request pinups! Regular posts return next week! You'll all be getting the same new rewards this week, but now you can access the previous weeks' rewards that were exclusive for your tier.

Thank you all for being here as always! I hope you enjoy this week's work and it's worthy of the support you show!



So nobara next week?

Zevulon Veers

Do you have a list of all the changes/removals to the archive?