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Hey guys, just wanted to give you a heads up that I will be taking a much needed short break the first Friday of July (the 2nd). Not for any crazy reasons, just that I need to take occasional breaks to recharge and catch up. 

As with my last break, I am doing this in July because there are actually five Fridays in July. Meaning that even if I take a week off, your July pledges will still pay for access to four weeks of work as usual. So while you will have to wait one week, your 5 or 10 dollar pledges will still get as much content as they would otherwise.

It's been very busy for me recently as I was away from home for a couple weeks in a weird workspace and then I returned and was still out of whack, getting behind on work which I hate to do. So I hope you all understand! And as always I have so much love for each of you that let me do what I do for a living. I can't wait to show you the rest of this month's content!

And I apologize to the $10 patrons for the cliffhanger I'll be leaving you guys on when I go on break lol.


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