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Hey guys, and especially new pledges. I wanted to update you guys on how things will work as far as getting your weekly pages and pics, and why it is that way.

New Pledges will receive their first rewards the Friday after they pledge. 

This is because with the charge per creation system, new pledges won't be charged until the next time I post. So until the Friday after the pledge when I make another paid post, they haven't paid anything yet.

Here's an example:

New Pledge signs up Monday after Post #3 was already posted that Friday. They won't be charged until Post #4 the next Friday, which will be the first new content they get access to.

I hope this is easy to understand. I'll update my home page and any promos to explain this in the future. If anyone has questions please ask below.

Why the links instead of posting right on Patreon? I'm worried and have been advised about being terminated on Patreon for content featuring themes that I know are in my future work. So I'm trying to play it safe by redirecting it off the site.


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