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Hey guys! Here's Part 1 of the new Slice of Life Comic: Experiment, featuring Alicia and co! I thought now would be a nice time to give you guys a little something while you wait for the release of the Cyberpunk video. And speaking of, that, here's an update:

So turns out not long after I posted about the last update, I hurt my other shoulder. That's right, not the one I broke, the other one. I had what's called impingement syndrome, which is basically a swollen tendon and that hurt a lot. When it happened I was so confused because it hurt just as much as when I broke my shoulder but now it was on the other arm. And this time, I couldn't think of a moment where I would have hurt it. It just came out of nowhere and kept getting worse.

I'll spare the detail but I had to go to the hospital and couldn't use my right arm for a while because it hurt too much. Now I'm fine again, but I have to take it easy because apparently both my shoulders are not in their best shape, and if I use them too much, I could get hurt again.

So I have been working on the animation but definitely not as fast as I would have liked. On top of that, tomorrow, 2 of my work buddies are coming over to Canada to see me for 2 weeks. I first planned on taking these 2 weeks off but I have been so much behind lately that now I would rather keep working even just a little bit. So if the animation isn't coming up soon, at least it will be this comic.

Anyway that is all for now. I hope you guys have been doing well. The support is always greatly appreciated and I will see you soon with more contents. But in the meantime, enjoy!




Please take it easy, health comes first! Your physical therapy appointments must be fun with both shoulders in rough shape...


To be honest I thought it was just Amy as well. Until Leony mention Melissa. Did not see that coming.