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Hey guys! I've got a bunch of stuff to show you but I'll divide them into multiple posts. Sorry for the spam but I think it's better this way.

First of all: Elysa!

I have been working on remaking some of my models on Virtamate and I some of them look different and honestly I think it's fine because TK17 was very limited in what types of character I could create so I like to add diversity to my characters more using the tools that virtamate has to give me. But one of them, I'm sure you're familiar with, just wasn't looking quite right. 

I had trouble with making Elysa into VaM because she's so iconic. Everyone knows and love her, so she needed to be as close to her old model as possible. I struggled for a while but with the help of my new friend Glitch, we were able to port her old model and textures into VaM and thus, I tweaked it a bit and here you have it!

I really hope you guys like how she turned out, I personally do. I kept most of the head and face and pretty much rebuilt the body from scratch because I love the VaM models so much. Our queen is back!





My favorite futa of yours, she just take what she want, when she want !